Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Amber Waves of Grain to Bloody Stripes

The Obama logo is a Hermetic, occult symbol that possesses a dual meaning. The 'O' and the red, white, and blue design are self-explanatory. But the red stripes representing of course the stripes on the American flag are draped across a landscape like furrows in a field and have another meaning.

The red stripes also represent blood being poured out over 'American Soil.' This is the dual meaning of the logo and is evidence of Obama's agenda to destroy America. And blood is being poured out in America as citizens across the land find themselves in actual and false-flag domestic terrorist events, cataclysmic storms, skyrocketing cancer rates, abortion, suicides, and other man-made and natural disasters of which many are deliberately triggered.

A very recent article I posted here is about weather modification and the likelihood of it being used to create many of the recent catastrophic storms such as Hurricane Sandy and Isaac, the Joplin, Missouri tornadoes, and now, the Oklahoma tornadoes.

I encourage you to read this article as it ties in with this article about the Obama logo, especially the Obamacare logo that can be seen by using Google image search.

When I saw the Obamacare logo, it didn't take me long to see the hidden meaning and subtle tactic or innuendo to 'screw' the heartland of America, which is an area more conservative, Christian, and Constitutionally loyal—anti-Obama to put it bluntly—than the majority of the coastal states of American.
So the Caduceus, the commonly used physicians symbol of a winged staff with a coil or 'screw' of opposing serpents half buried behind or below the 'red-striped' landscape of America is essentially stabbing into the heartland. And not that the stabbing isn't intended for ALL United States.

This gives further clarification to the meaning of Obama's logo and speaks ominously toward what his intentions are for this once, abundantly blessed land and country.

And it's not just Oklahoma that's hurting. It's all across the fruited plains and to every ocean bordering state.

God help us.

Please! In Jesus' name.

Keith Kampschaefer

Obamacare Logo
Obamacare Logo

Caduceus Tip
Caduceus Tip

Buried Caduceus
Buried Caduceus

Dripping Caducus
Dripping Caducus

Caduceus Backside
Caduceus Backside

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