Friday, October 31, 2014

Leuren Moret on Curent Events: Ukraine, Ebola and the Police State

In the sea, the great white shark is at the top of the food chain. On land, the lion. In the air, the eagle or osprey. But when it come to secret societies, who rules them all? Who is it that takes out kings, governors, presidents, and princes?

Is it the Illuminati? Is it the Freemasons? Is it the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mossad, or MI6? Is it the Federal Reserve? Is it Russia, China, or the Nazi's? Is it the Nights Templar, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, or Skull N' Bones? Is it the Navy Seals, the Army Rangers, or the Green Beret?

Who really is at the top of the food chain in world powers? It is them who take out the leaders of the most powerful nation on earth... and this in broad daylight, in the back of a convertible, with a wife at his side.
Welcome to the last chapter of conspiracy 101, where the title reads, 'All Roads Really Do Lead To Rome.'

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