US Cities – Nuclear False Flag
11 PLUS 22 EQUALS 33
What I found provocative was the complete
symmetry of the actual 9/11/13 date within the week in which it fell.
The ’9′ representing the month was ‘Monday, the 9th.’ The ’11′ being the
date or ‘eleventh’ was Wednesday and spaced perfectly between the ’9′
of Monday and the ’13′ of Friday, which represents the year, ’2013.’ To
put it simply, the date of 9/11/13 was presented in perfect symmetry
within “its own calendar week” on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with
amazingly enough, the Friday being no less than FRIDAY THE 13TH.
In addition to this is the equally ironic
fact that the numbers of this particular date (9/11/13) added up to the
sum total of 33—(9 + 11 +13 = 33). WOW. For anyone who understands the
occult influence of the number 33 as it relates to Freemasonry and
numerology, this should raise an eyebrow.
As far as I can tell with just a brief skimming of archived news headlines from the Drudge report
the following day, (9/12/13) there were no major catastrophic or tragic
events that were anywhere near the magnitude of 9/11/01 (9/11 Event) or
even something similar to 9/11/12, the Benghazi embassy strike of the
previous year.
hindsight, we might conclude that—and this upon the assumption that
something IS planned—a false flag event might have been averted,
thwarted, delayed, or POSTPONED.
And considering the possibility of these assertions, POSTPONED UNTIL WHEN?
If the number ’33′ is indicative, then
let’s consider another significant calendar date that ranks near the top
of all events in the last half-century, that being none other than the
upcoming 50th year anniversary date of the tragic event of the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy, The date was Novermber 22,
1963 or 11/22/63.
11 + 22 = 33
11 + 22 = 33
Is the next false flag event a step up in degree from 9/11 Event – WTC/Pentagon/Hijacking?
Could the sum total of this year’s 9/11
week of 9+11+13 and the mathematical equivalent of the 50th anniversary
date of the JFK murder on November 22 of this year, 2013, this being
11+22, both totaling 33, with the “bad luck” ’13′ being the kicker?
Lord Jesus, thwart their plans like you did in 1785. (See: 1785)
Keith Kampschaefer
2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident
The 2007 United States Air Force nuclear
weapons incident occurred at Minot Air Force Base and Barksdale Air
Force Base on 29–30 August 2007. Six AGM-129 ACM cruise
missiles, each loaded with a W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead, were
mistakenly loaded on a United States Air Force (USAF) B-52H heavy
bomber at Minot and transported to Barksdale. The nuclear warheads in
the missiles were supposed to have been removed before taking the
missiles from their storage bunker. The missiles with the nuclear
warheads were not reported missing and remained mounted to the aircraft
at both Minot and Barksdale for a period of 36 hours. During this
period, the warheads were not protected by the various mandatory
security precautions required for nuclear weapons.[1]
Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order
The Air Force Report on the Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight
by DAVE LINDORFF“It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.”
–Pentagon official
There is something deeply disturbing about the Air Force’s official
report on the Aug-29-30 “bent spear” incident that saw six nuclear
warheads get mounted on six Advanced Cruise
Missiles and improperly removed from a nuclear weapons storage bunker
at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, then get improperly loaded on a
B-52, and then get improperly flown to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana-a
report that attributed the whole thing to a “mistake.”
Top Nuke Commanders Terminated Following Missing Nuclear Warheads Report
Anthony Gucciardi
October 11, 2013
Two of the top nuclear commanders within
the United States have now been terminated following the exclusive high
level military leak report by Alex Jones and myself regarding the secret
and unsigned nuclear weapons transfer from Dyess Air Force base to
South Carolina. Disturbingly, the high level suspensions from top
generals within the military establishment are not the only red flags to
follow the leaked report.
Michael Savage Predicts Agents Provocateur False Flag – Michael Savage Predicts Agents Provocateur False Flag
April 20, 2010
Air Force strips 17 officers of power to launch intercontinental nuclear missiles
(Photo-Right)This photo provided by the National Park Service shows the inside of the
deactivated Delta Nine Launch Facility near Wall, S.D., that is now
open to the public.AP
WASHINGTON – The Air Force stripped an
unprecedented 17 officers of their authority to control — and, if
necessary, launch — nuclear missiles after a string of unpublicized
failings, including a remarkably dim review of their unit’s launch
skills. The group’s deputy commander said it is suffering “rot” within
its ranks.
“We are, in fact, in a crisis right now,”
the commander, Lt. Col. Jay Folds, wrote in an internal email obtained
by The Associated Press and confirmed by the Air Force.
Air Force Strips 17 Officers Of Nuclear Launch Authority
“Welcome to the CIA , sport.” (The Missing Nukes)
The Missing Nukes & "Cities" (Video) |
Two Generals Sacked Over Taliban Attack
By Allen McDuffee 10.01.13
The commandant of the Marine Corps took an extraordinary course of
action in effectively firing two generals Monday for their failure to
protect a massive base in Afghanistan that Taliban fighters attacked
last year, resulting in the deaths of two Marines and the destruction of
six Marine AV-8B Harrier jets, causing hundreds of millions of dollars
in damage.
The measure is the first time a general has been sacked for
negligence and the inability to defend a base from a successful enemy
attack since the Vietnam War.
Air Force general in charge of nuclear weapons removed for lack of trust: defense officials
Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael Carey |
A top general in charge of the U.S. Air
Force’s arsenal of nuclear ballistic missiles has been relieved of his
command due to loss of trust, defense officials told NBC News.
Air Force officials said Maj. Gen.
Michael Carey was fired for “personal misbehavior” while on temporary
duty at an unspecified location outside his usual command. The officials
would not describe the behavior, other than to say that it did not
involve any sexual improprieties, drug use, gambling, or criminal
Carey oversaw the 20th Air Force, with a total of 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles at three locations across the U.S.
via Air Force general in charge of nuclear weapons removed for lack of trust: defense officials – Trunews: Trunews:.
The Thirty-Third Parallel
Large Metropolitan Areas on or near the 33rd parallel.
Charlestown, SC, 32.776N • Atlanta, GA, 33.748N • Birmingham, AL, 33.520N
Dallas-FW, TX, 32.783N • Phoenix, AZ, 33.448N • San Diego, CA, 32.715N
Charlestown, SC, 32.776N • Atlanta, GA, 33.748N • Birmingham, AL, 33.520N
Dallas-FW, TX, 32.783N • Phoenix, AZ, 33.448N • San Diego, CA, 32.715N
McCain, Graham Express New Optimism on Syria Strike
McCain and Lindsey Graham both speak of something catastrophic. The
peculiar correlation being both Phoenix and Charleston are less than a
half degree away from the 33rd parallel. Linked source:
Graham: Nukes In Hands Of Terrorists Could Result In Bomb Coming To Charleston Harbor
“bomb to Charleston Harbor” ? !
Graham told reporters in Goose Creek on
Tuesday that taking action against Syria in response to the situation is
not a question of yes or no, but rather a question of bad or worse
He says if there is no U.S. response,
Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from developing
nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands of
terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.
Voting against Syria strike “would be catastrophic,” McCain says
“would be catastrophic” ? !
“We have to make it clear that a vote
against this would be catastrophic in its consequences,” now and in
future international crises, McCain told reporters outside the White
House following a private meeting that he and Graham had with the
Via: – Voting against Syria strike “would be catastrophic,” McCain says
Via: – Voting against Syria strike “would be catastrophic,” McCain says
FEMA Region 3 Emergency- Major Preparations Are HAPPENING NOW
FEMA Preparing For A Major Event In Region III
Region three is comprised of; Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Songstad’s research turned up some very
interesting facts. Each item on its own could go unnoticed, but the
collective facts may be worthy of your attention and scrutiny. The U.S.
government appears to be preparing for a major event. It appears that
this event is being staged for approximately Oct. 1st. Let’s look at the
numbers and dates
Via: – FEMA Preparing For A Major Event In Region III
Via: – FEMA Preparing For A Major Event In Region III
Please pray for America and be alert for the following cities, especially on or around November 22, 2013.
Washington, D.C.
New York City, NY
Charleston, SC
Phoenix, AZ
Dallas-FW, TX
Houston, TX
Atlanta, GA
San Diego, CA
Birmingham, AL